This idea is going around...thought it would be enlightening. Their ages are next to their answers. Enjoy!
1. What is something mom always says to you?
9: Levi, come here!
7: Good morning!
6boy: I love you
6girl: Go upstairs
5: I love you
2. What makes mom happy?
9: When we fold all the clothes on the bed without fighting
7: Hugs
6boy: When she sees her family
6girl: When we do something right
5: Hugs
3. What makes mom sad?
9: When we do something bad that upsets you
7: When we have to leave
6boy: We really need to go, but we can't
6girl: When we do something wrong
5: When I do something bad
4. What makes your mom laugh?
9: When I don't know what I'm saying but I say something funny
7: When I tickle her
6boy: funny things
6girl: Dad
5: Daddy!
5. What was your mom like as a child?
9: She read, read, read, read, read and read
7: Nice
6boy: I never seen you like a girl!
6girl: I don't know!
5: I don't know
6. How old is your mom?
9: Hmmmm...33?
7: 34
6boy: 33
6girl: 30?
5: I don't know
7. How tall is your mom?
9: 5'3"?
7: I don't know!
6boy: I don't know
6girl: tall!
5: I can't know
8. What is her favorite thing to do?
9: Clean the house.
7: Cuddle
6boy: go to the store
6girl: Go on the computer
5: Me!
9. What does your mom do when you’re not around?
9: I don't know
7: Well, if I'm not around, I don't know.
6boy: play with others
6girl: I don't know, cook?
5: Talk
10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
9: Playing the piano
7: Because you want to?
6boy: I don't know
6girl: cooking
5: Her
11. What is your mom really good at?
9: Playing the piano
7: The piano
6boy: playing the flute
6girl: cooking
5: Talking
12. What is your mom not very good at?
9: Catching a football
7: I can't think of anything
6boy: when you're playing the recorder
6girl: watching tv
5: Spelling
13. What does your mom do for her job?
9: Take care of us
7: I don't know
6boy: I don't know
6girl: helping
5: Do my pile
14. What’s your mom’s favorite food?
9: Corn on the cob
7: Corn on the cob
6boy: Macaroni and cheese?
6girl: Pizza, maybe?
5: Great-grandma's rice
15. What makes you proud of your mom?
9: I don't know!
7: There's a lot of things
6boy: Graduating
6girl: Because she's nice
5: Like you love me and I love you
16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
9: Blossom the Cat
7: Sara Groves?
6boy: No one
6girl: Word Girl
5: Dora
17. What do you and your mom do together?
9: School
7: Cook
6boy: play together
6girl: Clean
5: Play
18. How are you and your mom the same?
9: We have alike hair
7: We both have blue eyes
6boy: I don't know
6girl: We love each other
5: Because we have the same skin
19. How are you and your mom different?
9: She's taller than me
7: Our hair
6boy: Because you're a girl and I'm a boy and you brush your teeth downstairs and I brush my teeth upstairs
6girl: We look different
5: We have different clothes
20. How do you know your mom loves you?
9: Because she's always wanting to kiss me.
7: Because she hugs me a lot
6boy: Because....I don't know
6girl: Because she always loves me
5: Cause you love me when you hug me and kiss
21. Where is your mom’s favorite place to go to?
9: A restaurant called Shoney's
7: I don't know
6boy: to the store!
6girl: Wal-mart
5: Wal-mart
(What I learned: they don't really even know what "famous" means, and they're so logically-minded they rarely take guesses!)
1 comment:
I've got to try it.
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