Wednesday, April 11, 2012

7 Things I Don't Buy

(in the spirit of Money Saving Mom)

This seemed like an interesting thing to think about - what don't I buy that helps our budget and what are others not buying that might help me? My list, however, may reveal more of my contrarian side than I want. =)

No particular order...

1) New towels. All I can say is, put good towels on your wedding registry. And look around at auctions and you will end up with boxes of near-perfect towels from an estate sale for $1. However, if perfect looking matching towels are important to you, skip this one.

2) Mixes. Whatever the threshold is after which it makes more $ sense to make from scratch than it does to buy the mix has been passed. No brownie, muffin, pancake, pizza, bread, etc. mixes here. (occasional cake mixes for a recipe!) Lots of flour, though.

3) Organic ________. I have lots of friends that do, and I am absolutely all for choices. Paying a lot more for organic blueberries in January that were shipped across the country (world? who knows where?) doesn't float my boat.

4) Cable.

5) Manicures/Pedicures. My breed - farmer's daughter/pianist/mom - doesn't tolerate soft pretty hands well. And I'll deal with my own feet, thankyouverymuch.

6) New vehicles. We did, once, and were cured of that illness forever.

7) Youth Sports Team Photo packages. If we had banked the money saved every time we say "no thank you" to Package #32 or Deluxe Individual playing cards or photo buttons (would I wear all 5?), we could be on a beach in Hawaii right now.

What are YOU not buying??


lisa said...

re: #7 - no you would not wear all 5 buttons.. you would shove them all into a box to sit forever.

Kelly said...

HA..what won't I buy...I'm with you on the new car * sports packages...but I have been know to buy the rest:) Clothing however is usually something I don't buy unless on clearance or a great coupon/sale..mostly my mom still buys clothes for the kids though..nice...
Although I think the 5 buttons on a nice 80's jean jacket would be totally cool...come on Heather live a little:)