Best quote of the day: "Ladies don't ever yell, right Mom?" -- Delaney, as she stood at the bottom of the stairs with instructions on where to find the place mats and tablecloths to get ready for the tea party. Her sisters were upstairs playing and she knew they would want to be included on every step of the preparations. Instead of our -- ahem -- normal way of getting someones attention, she walked up and told them it was time to start getting everything ready. Like a lady.
This is what happens when a family of seven lives the life to which they have been called: the good, the bad and the "that's not going on the blog."
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Our very lovely afternoon. Just lovely.
Best quote of the day: "Ladies don't ever yell, right Mom?" -- Delaney, as she stood at the bottom of the stairs with instructions on where to find the place mats and tablecloths to get ready for the tea party. Her sisters were upstairs playing and she knew they would want to be included on every step of the preparations. Instead of our -- ahem -- normal way of getting someones attention, she walked up and told them it was time to start getting everything ready. Like a lady.
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Cute, Cute, Cute!!
Love it. Thanks for sharing.
I LOVE THOSE HATS!!!! I want to come back and take more pictures. All the time!!! and of course, maybe get my own hat too. =)
So sweet to see them all dressed up in their wonderful hats..... and isn't it great that the boys seem to be enjoying the "tea party" too.
Maybe you could start a girls' "Fancy Hat Society" movement just for fun -- like the "Red Hat Society" :)
Just think of the memories they will have of this. LEah looks like she is just thrilled!
How sweet - you seem to have so much fun with your kids Heather!!
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